
“For a Representation of Utopia” is a complementary project to Mapping Utopia. It consists of a series of altered image documentation which aims to approach utopian imaginary at its convergence point with violence. Original photos are downloaded from the web and refer to representations of violent historical events (e.g. national and political conflicts, cultural impositions, war crimes, social upheavals etc.). The inscription of date and geographical coordinate come to replace the name of event’s place resulting to the blurring of the reference to the original event.

It is intented to create a broad connection between the utopian imaginary and the real space rather than a presentation of a series of documentation of historical events.

“For a Representation of Utopia” has been presented in the exhibition “ De regreso a la isla” at Fundació Palma Espai d’Art, Mallorca, Spain. Curated by Helena Lugo and Maria Royuela.