"Tanairi" is a detournement of the 1985 homonymous Puerto Rican soap opera. The movie sets an erotic melodrama between the fictional character of Nick Boricua - a Greek diplomat and rebel, the initiator of the revolt that took place in Puerto Rico against the Spanish Empire - and the historic figures of the Puerto Rican revolution, Miquel Rojas and Mariana Bracetti.
The basic idea behind the character of Nick Boricua is the vision of the joint revolution of the Greek and the Puerto Rican peoples and the subsequent formation of a common nation, "Puerto Grico".
As a remembrance of the great diplomat, a side product of Tanairi was created. “Tanairi Soap”, made of Puerto Rican Potassium Hydroxide and Greek olive oil was available for the public during the presentation of the soap opera at the opening of the Nick Boriqua Museum in Athens.
Tanairi was produced and presented within the framework of “ Nick Boricua Museum” by Alexis Fidetzis, Panos Sklavenitis and Kostis Stafylakis. Athens Biennale 2015-2017 "OMONOIA".